A lot has happened since we last posted. David's dad and brother came last weekend and helped us move and assisted with lots of house tasks. We haven't had internet, so weren't able to post. David had started staining at the end of last week - here's how the stain looked.
The night that Dean and Steven arrived we desperately needed to get the last coat of polyurethane on the floor. Pretty sure they weren't planning on working at 9:00PM when they came into town, but we had to finish that night. Steven helped with floors and Dean went right to work on scraping paint off the windows.
Good looking booties, Steven.
Last room that evening was the living room - Steven and David finishing up so we could all go to bed.
The next day was filled with some moving, some projects...and more scraping of windows.
First pieces of comfortable furniture moved into the house.
Steven worked on making mobile fence posts for the chicken pen.
The next day they put the fence together, moved the chicken coop and
chickens. Unfortunately I had gone to work when they moved the chicken
coop in the truck, so I did not get pictures of that adventure. The chickens, coop and truck did make it here safely and the chickens seem happy in their new pen.
Dean had worked on spray painting the cabinet handles - they use to be gold.
We also managed to get our stove working. It's a nice old heavy duty gas stove. After about three trips to the store for the gas line and fittings, it fired right up.
In the process of painting the walls now - will post more pictures soon!