Finally after much toil and post hole digging, the goat proof fence is up! Took about a month (while juggling other jobs) to get all post holes dug, pickets up, gates built and two interior fences thrown up. It's about 450 feet of privacy fence and four gates. Here's how it all began...
David and friend rented a two man auger with hopes of digging all post
holes in one day. Even though the auger got snagged on quite a few tree
roots, they managed to dig 65 post holes before the day was done.
I (Jessica) even helped use the auger for the last two holes.
Here's a snap shot of a small percentage of the posts before they were concreted into place.
We found a lady on craigslist selling premade panels of privacy fencing. This made the first part of the fence go very quickly as David was able to put up 8 foot sections at a time.
The premade panels work where the ground is fairly level. But where there are slopes, David had to put up individual pickets. This was the fence with just the panels up - waiting to finish with the pickets.
A few different sections of the completed fence
Last part was the big swinging driveway gate. Some metal fabrication was needed to make a frame so the gate wouldn't sag. This is the metal frame in place and David is attaching various hardware needed.
Finished gate - it took three full days to weld the frame, spray paint the frame and get the wheels, handles and pickets attached to the frame.
Once the big exterior fence was finished, we tossed up a fence around the garden and let the chickens roam the entire yard.
Last fence was for the goat pen - after collecting about 60 pallets, we were able to make an almost free fence for the goats (still had to buy the screws and metal posts).
David completed the last gate while I drove down to pick up the goats. Luckily he finished about 10 minutes before we all came home.
A few things I've been working on while David made the fence...
- made some new flower beds in the front of the house
- rented a massive chipper and made a nice big pile of mulch
chickens enjoying my mulch pile...
And of course I've been busy working in the garden, playing with our goats and taking pictures.
We're so happy to share that the fences are finished and we can hopefully begin to enjoy our summer in our beautiful backyard.