January 10, 2012
Second big work day on new house. I joined David this evening for some assistance...and demolition!
Yesterday and today he worked on plumbing for the upstairs bathroom - rerouting it through the hallway instead of a bedroom.
This is a picture of the bedroom, it had a drop ceiling but now that the plumbing is better he can make the ceiling over a foot taller.
Things were going great but the sprayer stopped working. We moved to the living room. Still undecided whether to jack up the current beam or tear out the current ceiling (also a drop ceiling) and put in new beam and raise up everything.
David inspecting the ceiling through a 'small' hole.
After a little discussion and a period of staring at each other...we decided to rip into the ceiling.
My demolition hole after about 10 minutes...
David's demolition after the same amount of time
Our finished product
Ends up it's a good thing we tore out the ceiling. The beam was not even real - it's a completely fake beam. WHAT? Who does that? Definitely explains why the bedroom floor upstairs was sagging.
Awesome! Looking great! The "fake beam" cracks us up. What in the world?