Saturday, February 11, 2012

Long work days on the house have begun.  We're to be out of our current house in 18 days - we still have lots to do!  Luckily this weekend David's friend Jesse came to help.  Between the three of us we accomplished a lot from mid yesterday till today.  Granted we worked till after 11:00PM each night.

First order of business for the guys was the trim.  There was A LOT of trim to put up.  It looks great.

Our living room was turned into a wood working shop.  It's become so many different things during the construction.  Good thing it's a nice massive room!

Next task was patching the wood floors.  Neither had actually done this before - but between the two of them, they figured it out and saved a lot of money by not hiring someone to do it.   

Here's that section when they were finished.  Shouldn't even look like a patch after the wood around it is sanded.

 While floors were getting patched, I spackled all of the holes in the new trim...for many hours.

Here's the other 2 patches they worked on.  One is right behind David - it's finished.  This is the doorway between the hallway and living room that had previously been quite small.  It's now nice and big with trim up and patched floor.  In this picture he's working on a very random patch in the hallway.

Jesse also helped us get our stove.  It's an old 1950's stove and is heavy.  Thanks to Jesse for assisting with the stove.  He's already said he's busy whenever we need to move it out - we'll be looking for different friend for that move.  I'll post pictures of the stove soon.

1 comment:

  1. ok - it looks like you are a little busy -- but if you happen to have the urge to clean up my messy wall/ceiling paint line in our bathroom.....
