Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kitchen shelves are completed!  What an accomplishment.  David put so much thought, planning and work into these shelves and it was all worth it.  They're better than either of us could have hoped. 

To begin, the studs in the walls had to be located.  David drilled level holes into the studs then inserted these steel rods.  The important and difficult part was that the three rods had to be level and at the same height.  

After he'd set the rods in place he stuffed the holes with plumber's epoxy and Bondo.  These rods are NOT moving - they're unbelievably secure.

Next step was to drill matching holes in the boards that were to be the shelves.  The shelves will then slide onto the rods - everything had to fit perfectly.  If you're thinking this process is sounding simple, I encourage you to give it a shot (not saying I can do it either)

 Time for the test...everything fit snug and David decided it was strong enough to hold him.  Which made me quite confident to set dishes on them.

A little sanding and some Shellac and the result was....

Couldn't be more pleased with the end result.  Now the last thing in the kitchen is redoing the horrible counter tops. 

David also tiled the entryway last week.  Tile color looks very nice next to the hard wood floors. 

Probably won't have too much to post for a little while.  Our next big project needs to be our massive privacy fence - hoping to start it next weekend...but it might slow our progress down a little.

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